Re: folder problems

Configuration is now in ~/.gnome/balsa (.balsarc was obsoleted during 0.9

There is a section in the manual about IMAP inbox/outbox etc (it involves
hacking the config files at the moment). On my system it is in
${prefix}/share/gnome/help/balsa/C/common-tasks.html. The instructions
still relate to the old .balsarc way I notice, but you ought to be able to
translate them (perhaps by creating an IMAP mailbox to copy..)


On 2000-12-15 12:41:42 +0000 Steve Salazar wrote:
> I am having a problem with my folders in Balsa.  I uninstalled a previous
> version then reinstalled later but can't get rid of the old settings.
> I've looked in my home directory for something like a .balsarc or
> whatever
> and can't find where I can blow away the old configuration.
> Also, and this may or may not be related, I'm having trouble specifying
> the location of such things as my outbox, inbox, sent mail, etc.  I use
> IMAP and would like balsa to write to my IMAP outbox and sent mail
> instead
> of the local balsa folders.  When I look at the properties for those
> folders it only allows me to specify a local location in my filesystem
> and not type of mailbox for remote outboxes and such.  Pine allows this
> but I haven't figured out how to do this yet in balsa.
> Thanks in advance for any help.
> Esteban Salazar
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Ian Campbell
Churchill College, Cambridge.

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