Re: segfault on exit

2000-11-11 02:38, Mikael Hermansson rašė:
> Is this only happens to me?
> Balsa sometimes crash when exiting balsa after deleting mail.
> (Not always I still trying to figure out when but...)
> This has been reported several times and also has also
> been "fixed" several times but still this nasty little bug
> will not die.   
> The latest compile was downloaded from CVS 9 november 2000.

Yes, I notice this problem also. It sometimes crashes when there are open
mailboxes, and then I hit close button of the window (using IceWM). It is
not always. I avoid this problem and always close all mailboxes, or exit
through menu, but don't know if it helps. I suspect writing configuration
file (I have option save open mailboxes unset). There are no ore messages written to terminal, and problem is hard to reproduce because you don't know when i crashes, and when not. sad

Gediminas Paulauskas    -=-

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