Re: Do very long mails cause problems with balsa?


I have an example file (57Kb gzipped) which I will send to you separately 
but as extra info, when I start balsa I get:

- the Checking Mail dialog appears
- a whole lot of diagnostics in the windows where I started balsa ending with:

POP3 O: "È«`"
POP3 D: Line completed
POP3 D: Writing message to fp
POP3 D: Message reading loop: 135570456
POP3 L: "home/accounts/9293/super/sup992a.wk1
POP3 O: "€¬`"
POP3 D: Line completed
POP3 D: Writing message to fp
POP3 D: Message reading loop: 135570456
POP3 L: "home/accounts/9293/super/super492.wk1
POP3 O: "8­`"
POP3 D: Line completed
POP3 D: Writing message to fp
POP3 D: Message reading loop: 135570456
POP3 L: "home/accounts/9293/super/supr792.wk1
POP3 O: "ð­`"
POP3 D: Line completed
POP3 D: Writing message to fp
POP3 D: Message reading loop: 135570456
POP3 L: "home/accounts/9293/super/supsam1.wk1
POP3 O: "¨®`"
POP3 D: Line completed
POP3 D: Writing message to fp
POP3 D: Message reading loop: 135570456
POP3 L: "home/accounts/9293/super/supsam2.wk1
POP3 O: "`¯`"
POP3 D: Line completed
POP3 D: Writing message to fp
POP3 D: Message reading loop: 135570456
POP3 L: "home/accounts/9293/super/supsam3.wk1
POP3 O: "w°`"
POP3 D: Line completed
POP3 D: Writing message to fp
POP3 D: Message reading loop: 135570456
POP3 L: "home/accounts/9293/super/supsamp.wk1
POP3 O: "а`"

- the last line ("home/accounts/9293/super/supsamp.wk1") is line 1025 in a 
file of length 13178 lines.
- and then another dialog:

"balsa -- sm - clientid 11.......

No response to the SaveYourself command. The program may be slow, stopped 
or broken. You may wait  for it to respond or remove it"

- If I click on "Remove" nothing happens and I have to kill the process.

It would be nice if this could be sorted out, because I use Eudora on 
Windows (on Win4Lin) and want something as good for native Linux mode and 
balsa is just right . .



At 07:59 27/09/2000 +0100, Ian Campbell wrote:

>Can you zip such a mail and send it to me?
>if not, can you run wc on the mail, so I can try and make on just as big...
>On Wed, 27 Sep 2000 14:53:16 Phil Rhoades wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I have a number of Linux servers sending me the results of backup scripts
> >
> > (from rsync usually) which results in very long e-mail items - this seems
> >
> > to cause a problem for balsa (it locks up - the diagnostics showing
> > heiroglyphics in the subject part of the message) - has anyone come
> > across
> > this?
> >
> > Also, is it possible to turn off the diagnostics that are going to the
> > window where balsa is started - it shows the login and password plainly.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Phil.
> > -
> > Philip Rhoades
> >
> > Pricom Pty Limited  (ACN  003 252 275)
> > GPO Box 3411
> > Sydney NSW    2001
> > Australia
> > Mobile:  +61:0411-185-652
> > Fax:  +61:2:8923-5363
> > E-mail:
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > balsa-list mailing list
> >
> >
> >
>Ian Campbell
>Churchill College, Cambridge.

Philip Rhoades

Pricom Pty Limited  (ACN  003 252 275)
GPO Box 3411
Sydney NSW	2001
Mobile:  +61:0411-185-652
Fax:  +61:2:8923-5363

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