Re: Wish List

strongly agree with 1a.

1b is a function of your GTK theme, is it not?

agree with two.

the reason I chose to offer Balsa to users who can't take Pine is its
complete compatibility with existing Unix -- mbox support, and it
doesn't interfere with Procmail. Heck, if it wasn't for the slowness
of drawing with GTK text I'd use this program myself! In other words,
if you want to filter mail on Unix you're better off using one of the
existing solutions, such as Procmail or mailfilter, to drop mail into
mbox or Maildir. A pointy-clicky interface to such tools is a nice
thought, but looks like a lot of work without a lot of benefit (since
it won't be 100% perfect and linuxconf-like errors in .procmailrc could
have dire consequences).

2 cents,
Jack Coates
Monkeynoodle: It's what's for dinner!

On Wed, 18 Apr 2001, PSRwebs wrote:

> I'm not clear from looking at the archive whether an actual Wish List
> exists (i.e whether the Balsa team formally take on board and prioritize
> wishes expressed in this list) or whether it's a sort of >dev/null
> situation, but my initial reactions to what seems a potentially excellent
> mail client are:-
> 1) There need to be Settings options for
>     (a) word wrap. One should be able to set this for a particular length.
>      At the moment it seems you have explicitly to wrap each message and
>      have no
>      control over the length.
>     (b) Background and foreground colors.  There doesn't seem any way to
>      change these.  This is not just aesthetic - I find a white background
> quite
>      a strain on my eyes
> 2) All URLs need to be clickable and this should open a browser of choice
> 3) Balsa needs an easy way of filtering messages into folders on arrival.
> But it certainly looks good
> - Richard
> .........................
> Richard Kimber
> British General Election 2001
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