Re: Suggestion for the GUI

On 2001.08.31 15:10 David Monet wrote:
> Hi everyone.
> I *love* using balsa, but I miss a feature about the GUI interface.
> Unfortunately, I don't know anything about GUI programming, otherwise I
> would have enjoyed participating. 
> Anyway. I'm sending this email to this list, hoping that developers read
> it....
> I'd love (more) if the GUI of balsa would look like the Gimp GUI, or
> FieldView. This means, every important part of the current GUI (preview
> pane, main windows, threads) is in a different window. 
> For example, the preview pane could be active by default, and threads or
> main window appear when the user clicks on 'Inbox' (and deseappear when
> the
> user reclicks on 'Inbox'), with the possibility to activate at the same
> time 'Inbox' and 'Trash' for example. Same thing for the message text,
> from
> the thread window.
Well, you can already open the messages in separate windows and also
disable the preview pane. But perhaps that's not what you want, as you'll
get a new window every time you open a message.

> Here we are. I hope I have been clear enough (maybe too much ??!?) and
> that
> some people (including developers) will find an interest in this
> proposition.
I definitely don't want that kind of layout as I generally have enough
windows to keep track of anyway, so it should at least be optional.

Just a thought: Would it be possible to put the window panes/notebook pages
(for the message lists) in handle boxes, or isn't that practical for those
kinds of widgets?

> Regards everyone, and thanks to anybody thinking about it and trying to
> implement it.
> david
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