Re: How does Balsa store new messages?

Em Dom, 15 Jul 2001 08:21:19 M . Thielker escreveu:
> Hi,
> On 2001.07.15 07:08 Timothy Ang wrote:
> > Hi!
> > 
> > Can anyone please tell me how Balsa writes new messages in the inbox file
> > after the button "Check" is clicked? Or the processes that Balsa does
> > after
> > retrieving new messages from the Post Office using Pop3?
> > 
> After taking the scenic route through Balsa code, eventually it winds ub in
> libbalsa_fetch_pop_mail_direct(). POP mail is retrieved and appended to the
> system mail spool. From there on in, it's treated like locally delivered (by
> an MTA) mail.

of course. after being commited to local mailbox it's local.

> That's a design flaw, I think, because there's no point in being able to
> desgnate a folder to be the inbox if there's not way to have mail delivered
> into that folder when it's remote.

hum ? define "remote".

> It should, I guess, be spooled into a temp file, encapsulated into a mutt
> message and written using libmutt functions. That would work for both local
> and remote inboxes.

that is exactly what happens for pop3.

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