Re: Adding folders for Maildir mailboxes

On 2001.07.18 21:14 Raven wrote:
> Heeding the advice of those wiser than myself, I've started experimenting
> with Maildir mailboxes as an alternative to mbox, which is apparently
> what
> I had been using. I've found two minor glitches in the process that I
> thought I'd mention.

My impression is that these dialogs are for making *new* Balsa connections
to *existing* mailboxes of the various types. The `Mailbox name' seems to
be used for display when the mailbox is first shown, but when you restart
Balsa, the local folder scanner sets up a mailbox with a name based on the
file/directory name.

It would be useful to add the capability to really *create* new mailboxes
(i.e., including the disk files/directories needed)--in fact, I'd say that
was a requirement for Balsa to move to the status of user-friendly!

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