Re: Interface suggestion...

On 2001.07.31 08:58:17 +0200 John Anderson wrote:
> (In the file tab, I think it would be great to have each of the file names
> listed, with its size, and also some sort of checksum (md5 or something)).
> I don't have images of the other tabs, because they're self explanitory
> from their title.
> Well, I hope that you all appreciate my suggestions, I'm willing to try to
> code this up (emphasis on try), if it seems like a good idea to everyone. 
> Please, give me your feedback!

thats cool... but how do you plan to move the hardcoded gtk
stuff within balsa to this ? its like writing balsa from scratch.

Name....: Ali Akcaagac
Status..: Student Of Computer & Economic Science

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