Re: Outbox traffic jam?

On 2001.06.27 17:36:55 +0100 Karl O . Pinc wrote:
> On 2001.06.27 10:42 Brian Stafford wrote:
> > On Wed, 27 June 16:15 Scott Thomason wrote:
> > | I am still experiencing this same problem, even after downloading the
> > | latest libesmtp-0.8.2 last night. However, I find that if I wait
> > | patiently for many minutes (more than five), it eventually gets sent
> > | out. It is quite disconcerting, though, not something I would want to
> > | live with forever.
> > 
> > Delays of 5 minutes suggest something has deadlocked and is timimg out.
> Random thoughts:
> Maybe not, do the math and find that it takes about 5 minutes to send a
> megabyte or so over a dialup link.  If balsa's configured to talk with a
> remote smtp server instaed of localhost, that would account for it.

D'oh!  I missed that "it eventually gets sent out" when I read that for
the first time.  So this suggests that the mails are sent correctly
and that there is no problem.

> My favorite timeouts are DNS, is reverse DNS correct for your box?  5
> minutes is a long time for DNS though.

RFC 1123 defines timeouts on the order of 5 or 10 minutes depending
on the protocol state.

> Perhaps the problem is in the sending mail reporting dialog?  Maybe it's
> not always up-to-date on what's going on with the smtp dialog.  At what
> point does the pause occur?

Actually the libESMTP version of balsa doesn't update the progress bar
yet :-( (lack of time means I haven't written that bit yet).

I get the feeling I might be chasing a non-problem (except for the
progress bar).


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