Re: Quoted text color ...

On 09/03/2001 19:20 Sal Bugliarisi wrote:
> Hi Nicolas,

Nicolas is better ;)

> I've noticed the same problem in my Balsa 1.1.2, my quoted text never
> appears in a different color. When I checked my ~/.gnome/balsa file I
> found
> that my QuoteRegex line looked like this:
> QuoteRegex=^(([         A-Z])^A*[|>:}#])+
> I tried changing it to this:
> QuoteRegex=^(([A-Z])^A*[|>:}#])+
The problem is juste there (the ^A which is in fact just one character)
> but it didn't make any difference even after I exited and restarted
> Balsa.
> The weird thing was that the line changed back to the original way it was
> all by itself!

Didn't happen to me (but i've try to look at it in the Settings (in balsa)
& Settings history in the ~/.gnome/balsa, don't know if it changes anything
??). BTW the Regex match too much thing so certain line where colored even
if it wasn't meant to (ie line with http:// ....)

> Do you have any idea what I might be missing? I'd like to see quoted text
> in an alternate color in Balsa, even if I can't change what that
> alternate
> color is..  =)

Did you sucessfully changed the module of pspell ?? 

------------------------------------  -o)
Evrard Nicolas (     /\\
Liège (Belgium)                      _\_v

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