Re: Questions and Observations From a New user

On 2001.11.03 07:57 Jim Mayer wrote:
> Here's are my problems/observations/questions:
> (2) When I create a new Mailbox in the Mailbox panel the Mailbox is 
> created, but the display is not updated until I exit and restart Balsa.


> (3) If I invoke the "Mailbox Configurator" (by hitting browse from the 
> create Mailbox dialog) the starting directory is my home directory.  I 
> think that my local mail directory would be more appropriate.


> (4) Following up on (3), if I try to create a new directory the dialog 
> box comes up frozen, will not accept input, and cannot be closed until 
> the "Mailbox Configurator" dialog box is closed.

Fixed. (modal dialog trap removed).

> (5) The default font for the message panel is microscopic on my system.  
> The font for the message header panel is just fine.

I have changed the default to hopefully more reasonable. (i.e fixed).

> (7) The key binding "^D" for delete is too easy to hit.  Furthermore, 
> the same action on outlook express does a move to folder.  I would 
> prefer to see the default action be rather harder to type.  I suspect 
> that I can configure this, but it isn't obvious to me how, and I don't 
> really care enough to find out!

Press just 'D'. I never had problems with it, perhaps due to different 
background. New ideas are welcome. (BTW, you can always move your mouse 
pointer over the "message/delete" menu entry and press the key shortcut 
you prefer to modify the default).

> (8) I would prefer to see the Cut/Delete/Past/Undo as actions that apply 
> to messages in the message header window and text in the text window.
>   (8) My "GnomeCard" address book was NOT imported automatically, even 
> though it is in "~/.gnome/GnomeCard.gcrd".

The autorecognition was attempted in the past but apparently never tested. 
I have just made sure it works. (fixed).

> I hope these comments are helpful... I've often found that new users are 
> particularly good at (re)discovering the glitches that more experienced 
> users just don't see any more.

That's absolutely true :-). Your feedback is appreciated.

Pawel Salek, Theoretical Chemistry, SCFAB, Stockholm

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