Re: Scrollbars .. part two

On 2001.11.04 16:08 M . Thielker wrote:

> As long as the gnome-icon-list still completely disappears when there is 
> only one part to the message, to conserve screen real estate, it actually 
> looks like an improvement to me. I would like, though, that the headers 
> field becomes part of the text scrolling area again, so all that space 
> isn't wasted by displaying the headers at all times. I'd rather see more of 
> the message text once I scroll down.

I have been thinking about that one to.. however, then the scroll-
while-selecting stuff doesn't work anymore. Unless of course you
do some gtk+/gnome hacking with the "motion_notify_event" which
I tried. Ehm it works +/- .. but I disliked the result.

Some other suggestions from me :

* A button/checkbox inside the headers entry to show/hide it.
* Add a GtkVPaned to resize the height of the headers entry
  (maybe same for the gnome_icon_list -> bloats balsa?)
* Make the headers entry a scrolledwindow to (will only make
  it smaller when a lot headers are selected)
* Display the headers in the preview widget (as mimetext)
* Smaller font for the headers and an extra option to select
  the font for "all" the headers : not only the subject which
  is now the case.
* ...

Philip van Hoof aka freax (
irc: mailto:freax @

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