Re: Balsa Error

On 2001.11.25 03:46 Brooklyn Linux Solutions CEO wrote:
> Hello
> I'm very fustrated right now with gnome in general.  I've been trying to
> update my gnome desktop, which has been somewhat unstable, using Ximian
> and that
> failed.  I compile it from source, which failed miserably.  So I
> uninstalled all
> the rpms and reinstalled them, but I can't get basic things to work
> again.  One of these is my balsa client.
> I get this error when I run it:
> balsa: error while loading shared libraries:
>  /usr/local/lib/ undefined symbol:
> png_create_read_struct

I have impression your system is seriously messed up. Why is the library 
located in /usr/local/lib/ used if you claim you have installed gnome by 
rpms? rpm usually installs ggnome with prefix=/usr or /opt/gnome. Make 
sure you do not have mess in /usr/local and your /etc/ have 
correct order of libraries (you might want to have /usr/local last).

Really, if you get this kind of errors, you should carefully clean up your 
system and reconsider your installing strategy for the future.


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