Re: Replying to UTF-8 message causes switch to Esperanto language. Why?

On 2003.12.03 09:33, Eliseev Vladimir wrote:
> I discovered the problem with default language setting while replying
> to message encoded in UTF-8.  Usually ny default language is
> Russian(KOI8-R)  but it magically switches to Esperanto when I want  
> to reply to the message like this:
> [snip]
> Content-Type: text/plain;
>   charset="utf-8"
> My balsa 2.0.15 works on SPARC/Solaris 8.
> Any comments?  Or maybe all is ok?

It is alright: balsa tries to use the  charset of the replied message.  
Esperanto being selected because it is the only language associated  
with UTF-8. Langugage choice affects only spell-checking. You can try  
changing language to Russian (KOI8-R) and if the text can be encoded in  
KOI8-R, it will.


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