unable to use GnomeCard as address book

When composing a message, I have not figured out how to display  
addresses using the "Address Book" dialogue box in Balsa.  The "Search  
for Name" data entry box appears to do nothing.

I have installed GnomeCard, and have entered addresses into GnomeCard.
The "Run GnomeCard" button in the Balsa "Address Book" dialogue box  
opens GnomeCard.  The "Re-Import" button appears to do nothing.

GnomeCard and GnomeCard.gcrd are in the ~/.gnome directory.   
Regrettably, the "Select path for VCARD address book" dialogue screen  
does not display hidden directories (is this not a bug?), so the path  
must be entered manually.

When entering GnomeCard in the "Balsa Preferences" dialogue box, the  
"OK" and "Apply" buttons remain dimmed-out.

I am using Balsa 2.0.15 on the Gnome2 desktop in Debian 3.0.


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