Re: Lost 60 Emails

On 2003.02.28 08:54:44 +0000 Martin Klaffenboeck wrote:
> Hello,
> Today morning I've lost 60 emails with balsa.
> As Inbox I used /var/mail/martin, and this file didn't exist while geting 
> 60 mails from my pop3 mailbox.  Balsa downloaded and deleted all the Emails 
> from the mailbox and at the end of downloading and deleteing it told me:  
> /var/mail/martin is not writeable.

Ouch, yes the pop downloader doesn't check initialy to see if the target
mailbox is writable. You unfortunably proved that to be a bug :(
However, with filters it gets harder than simply that ... I don't know
offhand if the filter framework checks that

> This is a really big bug!!!!!!!!!!  (sorry, I'm really bad today.)

You are right. 
> I think, balsa should not delete the emails from the pop3 box, when it is 
> not able to save the emails!

k, now for the good news, you should have /tmp/pop-?????? files
containing your messages. this are standard mbox type stores, you can
open them with any mua and retrieve your messages (or you can even
'cat >>'  them to your spool if you know what i mean :))
you should have seen a "Messages are left in XXXXX" message, that's the file
you want. 

Carlos Morgado - chbm(at)chbm(dot)nu - -- gpgkey: 0x1FC57F0A FP:0A27 35D3 C448 3641 0573 6876 2A37 4BB2 1FC5 7F0A
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