Read-only IMAP w/ SSL (Was: no delete on imap?)

On 2004.06.01 06:49 Darko Obradovic wrote: > First of all, I can't delete any
messages. I can browse my inbox, but the > delete option is greyed out in the
toolbar and in the context menu. Is that > not implemented yet, or do I have a
kind of read-only-access to my server? > It worked fine in 2.0.17.

I've had this problem as well, had forgotten about it (using 2.0 series) until
I saw that 2.2.0 had been released, and was reminded of it when all my IMAP
mailboxes were read-only.  I've spent a good chunk of time tracking it down, and
the problem appears to be this bit of code in libbalsa/imap/imap_private.h:

#ifdef USE_TLS
  unsigned over_ssl:1; /* transmission is to be made over SSL-protected
                        * connection, usually to imaps port. */
  unsigned using_tls:1;
  unsigned readonly_mbox:1;

It appears some code is including "config.h" and getting "USE_TLS" defined, and
other code is including imap_private.h *without* including config.h, and
USE_TLS is not defined, with the result that different functions have differing
ideas of where the readonly_mbox flag is.

A quick hack would be to move the readonly_mbox flag above the #ifdef, but to
fix it right, someone needs to track down where config.h needs to be included
that it currently isn't.

-- Steve Wall

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