Re: Spurious entries displyed in mailbox tree window

Am 16.07.2004 02:37 schrieb(en) Willem Riede:
On 07/15/2004 09:17:01 AM, Darko Obradovic wrote:
Right click on the desired non-special mailbox and choose the special
type from rhe context menu. Or are you referring to "outbox"?
I'm not sure I get it - do you mean I need to create a "normal" IMAP  
promote that one to be say, "Sentbox", and the delete the local  
I suppose that'll work, but I would never have thought of that on my  
so what does that say about the "intuitiveness" of the GUI?
That's it.
Concerning intuitiveness, the problem is located deeper imho, the start-up assistant only knows local mailboxes, it should be sensitive to let the user choose between local/POP3/spool or remote/IMAP and react accordingly, but that's definitely a hard one and not feasible with the current outbox approach.


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