ANNOUNCE: balsa-2.3.1 released


Balsa team would like to officially announce balsa-2.3.1 release
available at

You can get balsa-2.3.1 directly from (built on FC3)

The src.rpm file includes gmime and is ready for immediate building.
Building from tarball requires earlier installation of gmime library.
Gmime library is available from or directly at
Observe that upgrade to gmime-2.1.9 or newer is required to properly use GPG-related features.

Major highlights of this balsa release are:
- build with GNOME-2.10, OSX, SuSE, gcc4.
- omit self from cc addresses.
- cache message counts between sessions.
- allow sending messages through a pipe to an external program.
- support for multiple esmtp servers.
- allow using STATUS for checking IMAP mailboxes.
- reimplement message duplicate deletion.
- bugs fixed 123765, 153386, 168732, 168733, 168353, 171388, 170456,
  170512, 171415, 172005, 172145.

Happy mailing!

On behalf of balsa team,

Pawel Salek

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