Re: Another word-wrap issue...

On 2007.06.01 10:41, Peter Bloomfield wrote:
Hi Mark:

On 06/01/2007 10:53:10 AM Fri, Mark A. Flacy wrote:

In my work account, I include a .signature file which does not contain the signature separator. I have the "Add Signature Separator" option checked for that account. The mail is sent with "format=flowed".

I noticed when viewing the copy that the text flow algorithm does not handle the "-- " line correctly by merging my name in the following line with it. Frankly, I'm not sure how it could handle that correctly, unless you attached the signature block as a MIME attachment.

I haven't yet been able to reproduce that. I don't use auto-signature, so I set up a small test file (no separator line) and an identity to include it (with the separator), and it seemed to be handled correctly. Could you send me a message where it fails? Sanitized, of course!

(Jumps up and down while foaming at the mouth)

*Bleep*! Just like the *last* time I complained about "format=flowed", it's the *bleeping* *bleepity* *bleep* Exchange Server that's screwing things up.

This message looked just fine when previewed in the Draftbox. When I looked at the raw messages, I noticed that the work e-mail had "--=20\r" as the signature separator. (*All* the lines ended with a \r, for that matter.)

So this e-mail will look just fine.
Mark A. Flacy

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