Re: ANNOUNCE: balsa-2.3.15 released

On 2007-05-01 12:30, Pawel Salek wrote:
On 05/01/2007 12:43:07 PM, Nuno Monteiro wrote:
[ snip snip about threading modes not working due to a small typo  
already fixed in svn ]
It seems clearly that the code is not tested for all the possible
combinations. I have also a number of identities, some of them have
signatures, some of them do not and it seems to work fine. I think it
may have something to do with the specific order the operations are
done. Do you think you could write down an algorithm to reproduce the
I can reproduce it using 2 identities, lets call them "A" and "B".  
Identity "A" is the default and has a signature, "B" hasn't. I compose  
a new mail and the signature for "A" is correctly appended, but if I  
change the identity to "B", the signature for "A" is still shown. Now,  
if I change the identity back to "A", a new signature will be appended,  
leaving me with two signatures -- both for "A", naturally.
If I now switch to identity "B" again, the second signature will be  
(correctly) erased, as that identity has no signature set. Likewise, if  
I switch to "A" again, it'll be shown as expected.
The signature for the default identity seems to be "stuck", for the  
lack of a better word.
If I try with 3 different identities, "A", "B" and "C", "A" being the  
default with signature, "B" without and "C" with a signature, I observe  
the same behaviour, the signature will only get "unstuck" after  
changing first to an identity _without_ a signature, and then back to  
an identity _with_ a signature:
 - Compose mail, identity A default signature is appended

- Change to identity C, should change to that signature but nothing happens
 - Change to identity B, nothing seems to happen again, but nothing  
shouldn't, as it has no signature set
 - Change to identity A or C, and a new signature is appended below  
the already existing one
After this, it seems "unstuck" and works as expected.

I'm guessing that if you can't reproduce it, then something must be up with my system, although it's a completely vanilla install of Ubuntu 6.06. Let me know if you need more information, lib versions, etc.

Best regards,


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