Re: Suddenly unable to log into Exchange IMAP account

Hi Simon:

On Apr  1, 2009, at 12:08 PM, Simon Brown wrote:
Evening all

For some reason I can no longer log into an IMAP server I've been using
for some sometime. It's the strathclyde uni mail server The password dialogue keeps popping up. I can however
log into the same account using mutt so they haven't closed my account.
It's an exchange server so I'm guessing it's been "upgraded" How do I
generate useful debug info?

The first thing is to run Balsa from the command line with the -D option.   
That will echo the IMAP dialog on the console, with client lines prefixed  
with "C:" and server lines with "S:".  The dialog should give you some  
idea about what's going wrong.
If you want to post any of the output to the list, please be sure to  
sanitize it first!


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