Re: Suddenly unable to log into Exchange IMAP account

On 04/01/2009 10:57:54 PM, Simon Brown wrote:
On 01/04/09 21:45:41, Pawel Salek wrote:
> This is how I use balsa most. Other safe mode is GSSAPI but it
> stopped working for me since my university migrated from Cyrus IMAP
> to Exchange. I never had time and patience to debug the problem...
I'm spending most of next week away so will have time to kill. Can you
recommend any IMAP/GS-API docs? I'll have a play around and see if I
can work out why plain and gssapi don't work.
I have used two RFCs:

/* IMAP login/authentication code, GSSAPI method, see RFC2222 and RFC2078 */
Microsoft probably has some doc on their own. In my case, I am not even  
certain the GSSAPI on exchange is supposed to work, the logic used by  
administrators of MS products is foreign to me.

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