opening imap inboxes automatically (and an icon in the notification area)

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I'm noticing what is, to me, a strange behavior by Balsa. I've checked 
the option that makes Balsa check IMAP mailboxes, but when I open it it 
doesn't really open them. I have to click, one by one, in all my six 
email account Inboxes to see if I have new mail. I've even checked the 
option to let Balsa fetch new mails at startup,  but it remains the 
same: I have to open, one by one, all my Inboxes. 

This can be quite frustrating, especially when I forget Balsa doesn't 
have an option to put it hidden in the notification area and I close 
it thinking it has (Kmail habits...). When that happens, I have to 
repeat the all process.

Is the non-automatic check of email in IMAP inboxes a normal behavior? 
If so, changing it could prove really useful to the user. And the icon 
in the notification area would be a great addition, also.

One other thing that could prove useful is soft line breaks (I think 
it's what they are called). If I remove a character from a word or a 
full word from a line and that allows balsa to put another word in the 
line, the line below will be braked (it seems similar to Emacs line 
break). An example follows.

*Good break*

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In neque. 
Fusce vel augue. Suspendisse magna nunc, iaculis in, tempor id, porta 
vel, est. Donec sagittis sollicitudin ipsum. Aenean ut nisl sit amet 
elit euismod consequat.

*Bad break*

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, consectetur elit. In neque. Fusce vel augue. 
Suspendisse magna nunc, iaculis in, tempor id, 
vel, est. Donec 
sagittis sollicitudin ipsum. Aenean ut nisl sit amet 
elit euismod consequat.

Bruno Miguel
Version: GnuPG v2.0.9 (GNU/Linux)


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