Re: Balsa is great for small screen devices (netbooks)

Hi Anne!

On 05/04/2011 06:12:57 PM Wed, Anne Vanhoest wrote:

+On 05/03/2011, at 21:48, Peter Bloomfield <peterbloomfield bellsouth net> wrote:
[ snip ]
Alt-1 to Alt-9 switch to the mailbox at the corresponding tab (if there is one), and Alt-0 switches to the right-most mailbox.
[ snip ]
Am a bit confused as to how/when this will become part of balsa, but it
sure would be a nice addition.


The patch was committed in late March to the master branch (and the gtk3 branch) of Balsa's git source tree, which means that the brave souls who test that tree have been using it for over a month.  No issues have been reported, and if none appear it will be incorporated in the next release.

In the interim, you can use it if you want to join that hardy band of testers!  Caveat: Balsa from git is not guaranteed to be stable, and has been known to eat mail folders for breakfast.  However, I rarely use anything else!



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