Re: [Balsa/Windows] open html parts with firefox

On 2011.09.13 23:41, Ildar Mulyukov wrote:
	Hi, Jack!
glad you're moving fast.
The context is that normally (i.e., at home) I use a Gentoo system, so I am used to having pretty good control over everything. When I travel (I'm now visiting relatives) I use my laptop, which is Windows Vista Home Basic, and I really hate webmail. Unfortunately, once I get home again, I go back to my main system, so I mostly work on getting the laptop stuff done while I actually need to use it. :-)
On 13.09.2011 22:09:50, Jack wrote:
Now on to my next issue - how to get balsa to open html parts with firefox (plain windows version - not cygwin version). Any hints?
I guess it's the mime part: Balsa asks system what app can hadle this  
mimetype (html) and shows these apps in context menu.
Yes, but where it the list mapping mime types to programs? When I had more of the gnome stuff installed (I've stripped out most of it again) I could get to "default apps" throught gnome-control-settings (or something like that) but although I was able to get it to use Epiphany (actually, that was automatic, while I had it instelled) I couldn't find any way to map to a program it didn't know about already, i.e., something gnome recognized. I believe this is more a general gnome question than balsa related - but hopefully it's actually possible and someone knows how.
Thanks again for all the help on this.  Even having to cut/paste URLs,  
it's better than webmail!

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