Re: News from the gtk-3 branch

On 04/12/2013 03:28:27 AM Fri, Helmut Jarausch wrote:
Here, there first unusal points:
 - While copying an email address from an old email, I've selected (drawing the left mouse button)
   something in the Recipients field. The selected text was blanked out instead of highlighted.
The root cause of that misbehavior is some styling that we applied to the widget that contains the message 
headers, especially giving it a distinctive background color.  Doing so in a theme-friendly way has always 
been a challenge, and occasional changes in Gtk themes has resulted in selected text being shown in 
white-on-white--as Helmut discovered!

An info-bar widget has the desired structure (content on the left, an array of widgets on the right), and a 
range of background colors depending on its type, and is now used for the message headers and the various 
icons, x-face images, and so on.  Each header is shown in a Gtklabel, which has conventional one-line 
ellipsizing or line-wrapping.  As candy, a long header now has an expander to choose between ellipsizing and 

Otherwise, the new header widget should look and work much like the old one.  All comments and opinions 


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