Re: A few oddities with 2.5.1 (gtk3)

Hi Jack,

Thanks for the feedback!

On 04/28/2013 10:31:41 PM Sun, Jack wrote:
Now that I've gotten over my surprise at how easy it was to install 2.5.1 with gtk-3, I'm ready to start 
looking for little oddities or regressions or other strange behaviors.

The first one I noticed is that when I have more than one mailbox open, there is no real distinction of the 
tab of the open mailbox compared to the others.  There is a very faint line at the bottom of the others, but 
you really have to look hard to see it.  The open mailbox is also listed in the title bar of the window.  I'm 
trying to install another version in a VM to confirm the old behavior, but am having other problems with 
that.  I would expect some form of highlighting the selected tab - either by bold or change in background 

The second issue is that when I drag a message from the message list to a mailbox in the list of mailboxes, 
there is no indication at all of the mailbox it is going to be dropped into.  I'm pretty sure (although I 
suppose I don't trust my memory as much as I used to) that in the previous version (2.4.13 for me) when I 
hovered over a mailbox, it was highlighted, decreasing the probability I would drop a message into the wrong 

Neither of those aspects has changed between 2.4 and 2.5; what has changed is that you're now linked against 
Gtk-3 instead of Gtk-2, and the theming must be different.  Fwiw, on Fedora there are also differences, but 
the selected notebook tab is quite distinct, and the hovered-over mailbox in the list is clearly outlined as 
the drop target.

Another very minor issue is that the trash/delete icon on the task bar has changed from the trash can to the 
red circle with the black x.  I have seen this before when trying new versions from git, and have never been 
sure whether I'm missing a theme or perhaps have a path problem.

Balsa uses a Gtk stock icon (GTK_STOCK_DELETE, to be precise), and it has changed from a trashcan to that "X" 
symbol.  In principle, using stock items keeps Balsa consistent with other Gtk-based apps.  In principle...

Finally, something I just noticed while I tried quitting balsa with this message started - it said "The message to '(No name)' is 
modified.  Save message to Draftbox?"  even though "balsa-list gnome org" was clearly in the "to" field.

Ouch--yes, I see the same thing.  We should be able to fix that...

Anything else I can do to help troubleshoot - let me know.

Oh, we will!



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