Re: balsa : sending msgs impossible

On 06/12/16 07:02, 1two free fr wrote:
Hi, first of all, thx for the great work you did inventing a light and easy mail client.

For some reason, I cannot send out emails, though. I have looked for solutions, none of the proposed worked 
so I have to ask you.
I use Balsa in Antergos.

My outgoing server is set to Recently I added :25 or :smtp at the end because i read this 

Why do I get "SMTP server problem: SMTP Server dropped connection"?
     Balsa's default is to use the "submission" service on port 587. But most servers still use the SMTP protocol on port 25, so just put 
":smtp" or ":25" behind the server, ie. "".

I have tried the settings with and without user name and/or pw, I have erased the server profile, 
reconfigured it - nothing works. It is impossible to send an email. Everytime I get an error msg and the 
email stays in the outbox.

Note that on my iPad and on my Android tablet I use simply without user name and pw and on 
these I CAN send out emails.

I can't seem to find the solution so I will be very thankful if one of you has a clue.

Thanks again for your precious help.
Yes, I too have tried the same things without success. I have pretty much given up hope of ever being able to send a message from Balsa.


Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA
box10  FEDORA-23/64bit LINUX XFCE POP3

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