Re: Threading of messages

Hi Peter:

Am 04.03.17 14:44 schrieb(en) Peter Bloomfield:
However, when my reply arrived, it was moved to a "balsa" folder per a filter, but stayed at the bottom until 
I manually re-threaded, when it moved into the correct place within the thread.  Not sure if that particular issue was 
something you addressed yet or not.

I use Balsa filters to move incoming messages, and so far they get threaded correctly. Do you use procmail 

Just a short update of my observations:

I use a mixture of MBox and Maildir mailboxes.  Messages are filtered using procmail (including a slow spamc 
pipe), and Balsa's built-in filters.

When I downloaded the messages of the last ~2 days, this discussion was /partly/ sorted into the thread, but 
some messages were just appended to the list.  Clicking on the date column twice fixed threading.  This 
mailbox is a MBox, with simple threading.


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