Re: iTIP Calendar event requests

Hi Peter:

Am 13.03.17 18:41 schrieb(en) Peter Bloomfield:
Balsa can send a reply to an iTIP calendar event request with possible replies of "Accept", "Accept tentatively", or 
"Decline". It offers this possibility only the first time you read the request (actually, if it is marked as "Unread").
Also a rough edge...  It might be better to add a custom header to the message store (e.g. "X-Balsa-iTIP-Reply: 
(Accept|Tentativ|Decline)") indicating the last operation when present.  We could then always offer the three 
buttons (maybe make the one of the last choice insensitive?), and display this information if present, so the user 
would have a chance to change his/her mind later.

Balsa finds an identity to set the sender of the reply, by matching one of your identities to one of the 
attendees in the event request. But I sometimes receive a request that was sent to an email alias for which I 
haven't set up an identity, and in that case Balsa doesn't know how to send the reply, and does not show the 
three reply buttons. That confused me, as it looks the same as if the message had previously been read--the 
display is the same in each case.
Yes, that's confusing!

Alternatively, we could add an identity combo-box like the "From:" selector on the compose window. It might 
be shown only when no match is found, with text to explain why it's there. Or it might be always shown, initialized to 
the correct identity if one is found.
I vote for always showing the identity and the buttons.  Not sure how much work remembering the last choice 
(see above) would be, but I think this would be really helpful.


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