Good compile: Solved: Meson config failure (sort of)

On 2017.09.19 19:29, Jack wrote:
On 2017.09.19 18:45, Jack wrote:
Hello Peter,

Per you note about gnome config questions, I decided to try meson. My first attempt at config (just running "meson ../balsa-git" in the build directory) completed but pointed out I had to use either --without-gnome or --with-libsecret. That is correct, as I'm on a mostly KDE system, with minimal gnome components.
First note - unless I've missed something, the meson syntax is  
pretty restrictive, needing -Dwith-something=value.  You can't omit  
the value (mainly true or false).  Not an issue, but FYI.
Second note - With the config line I gave it, it couldn't find any  
html converter (even though I have html2text installed, but I'll  
deal with that next) and then failed.  The output ends with:
Message: You cannot properly quote html-only messags.
Meson encountered an error in file, line 277, column 14:

Line 277 in is "if gpgmever.version_compare('< 1.8.0')" and "gpgme-config --version" returns "1.8.0".
Looking at the end of meson-logs/meson-log.txt, and it ends with

Message: You cannot properly quote html-only messags.
Running command: /bin/true --version

Meson encountered an error in file, line 277, column 14:
Uncomparable version string 'true (GNU coreutils) 8.25\nPackaged by Gentoo (8.25 (p1.1))\nCopyright (C) 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.\nLicense GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>.\nThis is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.\nThere is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.\n\nWritten by Jim Meyering.'.
and that is indeed the output of  "/bin/true --version".  I suppose  
my qeustion is why meson is running /bin/true instead of  
gpgme-config at this point.  I have no idea if it is a side effect  
of not finding html2txt or if it is a real bug in meson.  It's is a  
separate issue whether /bin/true should be so verbose instead of  
just returning "8.25" but I'll leave that alone for now, since I  
don't think it's really important.
Any suggestions?  (In the meantime, I'm going to see if I can  
correctly point it to html2text, or at least tell it not to need it.)
"meson --help src-dir" given generic meson info, but not the details  
that "./configure --help" does.  For those, you have to do a  
successful run of meson, and then do "meson builddir."
My problem was not reading carefully.  Note two example lines from  
"mesonconf builddir"
   Option                 Current Value Possible  
Values                    Description
  ------                 -------------  
---------------                    -----------
 with-gnome             false         [True,  
False]                      Use GNOME libraries (default=true)
yes                                              build with  
gpgme/GnuPG support (yes|no|path to gpgme-config, default=no)
wiht-gpgme does not list "Possible Values" but does give the options  
under the Description.  I was using true or false, both of which  
failed as above.  Using "yes" worked just find.
ninja build succeeded, and it runs. I also noticed the copyright in the Balsa/About dialog is still 2016. (There are lots of old copyright dates if you just do a "grep -ir copyright *" in the source directory. Maybe I'll put together a proposed patch to update them.)

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