Re: GIT version - no display of html messages

Hi Jack,

On 07/04/2018 04:30:26 PM Wed, Jack via balsa-list wrote:
On 07/04/2018 04:18 PM, Peter Bloomfield wrote:
On 07/04/2018 03:04:38 PM Wed, Jack via balsa-list wrote:
Also - I am currently stuck on trying to compile from git-head because seems to be 
missing, at least for me.  Is this known, a temporary issue, or something local to my setup?

You might need to rerun, or perhaps just automake. In migrating from libnotify to GNotification, 
balsa.desktop was renamed to org.desktop.Balsa.desktop, and the .in files and were changed 
accordingly. I'm guessing you have a stale Makefile.

Let us know if you can fix it.

Thanks! did the trick.  No stale Makefile, this was building from scratch.  I think the main file fixed by 
this was

What I had been worried about was running autogen and then having a bunch of files different from git.  
However, I now see that all files modified by autogen are actually in .gitignore so no problems with this.

I guess an in-tree build is taken care of by .gitignore. An out-of-tree build is more robust:

mkdir path/to/builddir
cd path/to/builddir
path/to/srcdir/ --what-ever

will create 'configure' in the git tree, but all the other generated files are in builddir. Your git tree 
will be (almost) clean, even if .gitignore isn't kept up to date (really? that happens?☺)


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