Hi Mario: Am 28.09.18 14:41 schrieb(en) Mario Mikočević:
steps - login on pc-A - start X server - start ssh from pc-A to pc-B with X11 tunneling - start balsa on pc-B - open *ANY* email with PGP signature -> balsa window frozen -> ssh window gets *text* *popup*
What exactly do do mean with “popup” - a real dialogue, of the desktop notification bubble? As I don't have two machines, I cannot reproduce this scenario completely. However, I ran a VM, then logged into the host machine via ssh -X, and ran balsa (current git master). The window appears on the VM guest's X11, but the desktop notification bubble /still/ appears on the hosts' X11 screen. I can only guess that in your case there is no X server running on PC-B, which “somehow” blocks the propagation of the notification. Peter recently migrated notifications to g_application_send_notification(), so my build may actually behave differently than yours, though.
All other popups work as expected (new email, filters, properties, etc ..)
The notification bubble about new messages /also/ appears on the wrong (host, not guest) X11 screen for me. There is nothing special about gpg notifications, btw. – they use that same primitives as *all* other Balsa notifications. To me this looks as if the desktop notifications are broken when ssh tunneling is involved (but this may be a false positive as I'm using a vm). Anyone out there with more insight (or two boxes for testing)? Best, Albrecht.
Description: PGP signature