Re: Required Gtk version

Hi Albrecht,

On 05/10/2020 09:56:51 AM Sun, Albrecht Dreß wrote:
Am 09.05.20 16:52 schrieb(en) andré via balsa-list:
No problem for me.  Mageia 7 (current release) has 3.24.8
(Surprising number of apps still require 2.x)
A summary of the situation for Debian and Ubuntu:

As Balsa master now requires GMime ≥ 3.2.6, we are limited to Debian testing (bullseye) and Ubuntu 20.04 LTS 
(focal).  If we assume that GMime 3.2.6 /might/ be available for Debian stable (buster) backports (currently: 
3.2.1), the situation is as follows (note that focal seems to be based on bullseye, so their versions are 

Package              | buster | bullseye/focal
libgtk-3-0           | 3.24.5 | 3.24.18
libglib2.0-0         | 2.58.3 | 2.64.2
libgspell-1-1        | 1.6.1  | N/A
libgspell-1-2        | N/A    | 1.8.3
libgtkspell3-3-0     | 3.0.9  | 3.0.10
libwebkit2gtk        | 2.28.2 | 2.28.2
libgpgme11           | 1.12.0 | 1.13.1
libgtksourceview-4-0 | 4.0.3  | 4.6.0

I.e. for these distos, we can safely assume the following:
* require glib-2.0 ≥ 2.48.0, gtk+-3.0 ≥ 3.24.0, and remove all GTK_CHECK_VERSION conditionals
* require webkit2gtk-4.0 ≥ 2.28.0, and remove the WEBKIT_CHECK_VERSION(2,20,0) conditionals
* drop the configure check for gtksourceview-3.0
* require gspell-1 ≥ 1.6.0, and remove all HAVE_GSPELL_1_2 conditionals
* require gtkspell3-3.0 ≥ 3.0.9, and remove all HAVE_GTKSPELL_3_0_3 conditionals
* remove the complex configure test for outdated gpgme versions
* all distos above support libsqlite3 (3.27 for buster, 3.31 for bullseye/focal), so we /might/ want to drop 
the sqlite2 support for the gpe address book

Thanks for the analysis! If no one raises any objections, I'll make those changes in a day or two.



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