Re: [Banshee-List] building cvs

I'm behind a restricted proxy server at work these days, and I actually have my home webserver box taking nightly snapshots for me so I can update whenever I want. It even runs the autogen so that it grabs taglib (and does a bit of the autofoo for me so I don't have to wait so much when I update banshee).
If anyone wants access to this, I'm happy to give it (if you actually  
need it; not just because you think nightly snaps is a nice idea!)


Patrick "Trick" van Staveren

----- Message from christian hergert gmail com ---------
    Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2006 14:25:19 -0800
    From: Christian Hergert <christian hergert gmail com>
Reply-To: banshee-list gnome org
 Subject: [Banshee-List] building cvs
      To: banshee-list gnome org

i noticed that when autogen'ing, it grabs taglib from svn. this
doesn't really work for people behind proxies ;-)

however, not necessarily advocating a fix, just making it a known issue.

-- Christian
Banshee-list mailing list
Banshee-list gnome org

----- End message from christian hergert gmail com -----

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