Re: [Banshee-List] Music Sharing plugin

How about if the sharing plugin implemented passwords for the DAAP shares?
That way only people/computers you want to be able to see your music could.

Gunnar Steinn

On 5/11/06, Michael Monreal <infernux web de> wrote:
> I don't always want to share my music with others, especially on my
> laptop when I'm moving around on different wireless networks. So I
> turn on and off Music sharing quite alot. The only way to do this is
> going to Edit menu then Plugins then... you know the drill and that's
> at least five clicks away. I have no problem with that, but I'd just
> like to suggest to bring this option somewhere closer in the user
> interface. One(small button) or two(menu entry) clicks away maybe ?
> What do you think ?

I have the same "problem"

A simple way would be to add a right-click menu to the library (other
sources have such a menu, too) with a toggle option for sharing/not
sharing. I think this belongs here, putting it into the menus would
clutter too much - I already find the menus to be cluttered quite a
bit (why do we need the audioscrobber submenu unter music? why
is the podcast stuff visible when i browse the library? I recently sent
a mail reagarding this to the list bud sadly it seems to be lost)

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