Re: [Banshee-List] Cover art

On 11/27/06, Alan <alan ufies org> wrote:
On Mon, Nov 27, 2006 at 02:36:48PM -0500, Andrew Conkling wrote:
> On 11/27/06, Micha?? Sawicz <michal sawicz net> wrote:
> > clapp clappin net wrote(a):
> > > I want to know how I can see the cover art of the disc.
> >
> > You need to put the cover art (yes it's correct) directly inside the
> > file. Use an app like easytag for that.
> ...or attach a MusicBrainz [1] ID to your audio. For more reasons than
> only cover art, I would say this is the best way to go.

Doesn't banshee detect cover art based on a different filename though?
folder.jpg or something?
I'm pretty sure that when I last checked there were a few different
scenarios. If we get a definite, we should certainly post this on the
wiki. I believe what I've had working (on a different comp) was naming
the cover art cover.jpg for those covers not in MusicBrainz. This then
worked. If it doesn't ping mad and I'll actually check.


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