2007-April Archive by Thread
Messages are ordered newest-to-oldest in this index. The newest
threads will be at the top of this page, the oldest will be at the bottom.
Within a single thread, the first mail note is the START of the
thread; the notes following that are in the chronological order of
when they were received. So globally, newest messages are at the top,
but within a thread, the oldest (the start of the thread) is at the
If you think about it, it is confusing. Just go with the flow and everything will be all right.
[Banshee-List] Cover Art location,
Ken Mitchell
[Banshee-List] Segfaulting on embedded images,
Dan Wilson
[Banshee-List] Status of later generation iPods.,
Justin F. Knotzke
[Banshee-List] Is there a roadmap for banshee?,
Aleksander Helgaker
[Banshee-List] why can't Banshee write to HFS+ iPods?,
Adam Dingle
[Banshee-List] Multimedia keys in Ubuntu,
Andrew Gee
[Banshee-List] ITMS plugin -unmaintained? -unloved?,
Jim Chambers
[Banshee-List] Zen V and Banshee,
Carl Bolduc
[Banshee-List] iPod not being identified entirely but works fine...,
Matt Philmon
[Banshee-List] Keeping up with changing files,
Andrew Conkling
[Banshee-List] Status of patchs,
Julien Sobrier
[Banshee-List] How Banshee Plugin Fleow on Gentoo,
[Banshee-List] AlbumArt Updated - 0.4.2,
Nick Bargnesi
[Banshee-List] 80GB Video iPod not working,
Gareth Murphy
[Banshee-List] Summer of Code,
Scott Peterson
[Banshee-List] New installation; won't play any type of file,
Rob Frazor
[Banshee-List] How is Rockbox Support in Banshee?,
[Banshee-List] MP3 CD Option?,
[Banshee-List] DAP device mockups,
Trey Ethridge
[Banshee-List] Ipod 2nd Gen Shuffle Still Not Recognized,
Thomas J. Baker
[Banshee-List] Cleaning up TrackInfo?,
[Banshee-List] Make error on DAAP plugin,
Jeffrey Finkelstein
[Banshee-List] iPod is seen as read only since 0.12.1 (and changes to libipoddevice),
Bill Dawson
[Banshee-List] ANNOUNCE: Banshee 0.12.1,
Aaron Bockover
Mail converted by MHonArc