Re: [Banshee-List] Banshee mockup

I'm not sure if you composed your mail originally in html or something (i've set my mail client to filter html), or maybe forgot to attach something, or insert a link.
Can you resend the link whenever you get a chance?


Lukas Spierings wrote:
Banshee Lovers,

I've made a mockup of a futuristic Banshee. You can find it here. It is
just an idea that I came up with. Notice the vertical browse-by-letter
bar. It is inspired by the iPhone contact list browser. It doesn't use a
lot of valuable space, like the original browser window in
iTunes/Rhythmbox. It can sort by album, artist and foldertree.

Please submit your ideas/wishes/mockups. I think Aaron already has his
own ideas about this, but I just wanted to show this. Let's help Aaron
with making the best media player even better.




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