Re: [Banshee-List] Commits list / Code reviews / Community

On Jan 18, 2008 8:02 PM, Kevin Kubasik <kevin kubasik net> wrote:
Well, speaking as someone who went through the 'learning banshee for
some small features' the hard way, I can say that some cursory
document comments would go a long way. Even more helpful would be the
mentioned diagrams of descriptions. Overall though, there are worse
projects to try and start with, Mono makes things much easier to read
IMHO, and the irc is usually quite helpful if you ask for it.

2008/1/18 Ruben Vermeersch <ruben savanne be >:
> Probably the most useful thing for a newcomer (and not only newcomers),
> is a diagram that explains how everything works together. It's nice to
> be able to find everything, but on the other hand, grep can tell me that
> as well. Seeing the big picture, how things interact and what are the
> things that matter the most, that's what grep can't tell you.

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