[Banshee-List] new openSUSE/SLE package repo for snapshot builds

Hey all,

I just made a new openSUSE Build Service (OBS) project/repo for
packaging recent snapshots of Banshee (and podsleuth, ipod-sharp, and
taglib-sharp etc).


I didn't call it a daily or nightly repo since I don't plan to update
it that frequently, but I will try to update it regularly.  This
should help us continually verify that the build is still working on
various versions of openSUSE, and help people test specific fixes,
like the recent podsleuth + Banshee fixes for DeviceKit/iPod support
on openSUSE 11.2.

Packages may not have built or been pushed to that address yet; if
not, check again in a few hours.  The Banshee build is known to be
broken for < 11.2 releases; see
https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=602589 for that.  I set
this OBS project up so that it builds on the existing Banshee project,
so you should automatically get the packages from there if they're
more recent than what's on Banshee:Alpha for whatever reason.



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