Re: [Banshee-List] Ubuntu's got 1.7.5

knocte wrote:
> El 15/09/10 05:39, Michael Martin-Smucker escribió:
>> I would guess that there's no harm in trying, as long as you have
>> backups of any media that may already be on the device.  If you want to
>> wait for more concrete answers than my "it works for me!" response,
>> that's definitely understandable, especially when hardware is concerned.
> To add to Michael and Alan's comments:
> - Check if the addin "AppleDevice" is enabled. If it is, you're using
> the new libgpod addin.
> - If "AppleDevice" is not enabled, then you're using the deprecated
> library and only iPod support (no support for iPodTouch or iPhones). In
> this case, I would recommend you to choose one of this 3 options:
> a) Wait until Banshee's Ubuntu repo packages AppleDevice extension.
> b) Wait until 1.7.6 release which is due today, and wait until Banshee's
> Ubuntu repo packages this version.
> c) Use Banshee 1.7.3.
> The reason for (b) and (c) is about a bug I accidentally introduced in
> 1.7.4 which will be fixed in 1.7.6 (it's not that the bug breaks iPod
> support, but it makes it much less efficient time-wise and it doesn't
> report the user when it's finished, so the user may disconnect the iPod
> too soon).
> Regards,
>   Andres
> -- 
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I've been trying to get my ipod touch to work with 1.7.5  
Music seems to work/sync fine. But how do I transfer videos etc back and
forth to the ipod touch?

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