Re: [Banshee-List] Banshee Supporting GNOME on Ubuntu

On 2/15/2011 9:23 AM, Gabriel Burt wrote:
Hey everybody,

We have been proud to support GNOME by sending 100% of our FOSS Amazon MP3 store's affiliate revenue to the Foundation. We're already on pace to contribute at the same level as a small company on the Advisory Board, $10,000 USD per year, and revenue is increasing every month.
After choosing Banshee as the next default player in Ubuntu, Canonical 
approached us, concerned with how our Amazon store would affect their 
Ubuntu One store.  They proposed two options:
1) Canonical disables the Amazon store by default (you could enable it 
in a few easy steps) but leaves the affiliate code alone (100% still 
to GNOME), or
2) Canonical leaves the Amazon store enabled, but changes the 
affiliate code and takes a 75% cut.
We are pleased that Canonical is willing to leave the affiliate code 
As maintainers of the Banshee project, we have opted unanimously to 
decline Canonical's revenue sharing proposal, so that our users who 
choose the Amazon store will continue supporting GNOME to the fullest 
extent.  The GNOME Foundation's Board of Directors supports this decision.
The Banshee Maintainer Team
Aaron Bockover, Alexander Kojevnikov, Bertrand Lorentz, Gabriel Burt
As a user, thank you very, very much! *This* is one of the reasons that i'm an opensource zelot.
Now, if only Amazon or Canonical offered lossless files, i'd actually 
use the service :")
Bearcat M. Sandor

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