Re: [Banshee-List] Compiling under windows

Apologies but where did you execute that command? Also, could you describe the method to do it by hand, so I could try to fix the musicbrainz error in the same way? Thank you.
αθεοι αεί, Joe

On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 8:19 PM, Dustin C. Hatch <admiralnemo gmail com> wrote:
Matt, Joe, anyone else:

I tried getting Banshee to compile on Windows some time ago, but I
gave up. I decided to try again this evening and I noticed this
thread. I encountered some of the same problems you guys have, so I
thought I'd share what I came up with and what else I have run into. I
was able to solve *almost* all of the build errors by updating the
project references for all of the projects depending on atk-sharp,
gdk-sharp, glib-sharp, gtk-sharp, and pango-sharp. I did a few by
hand, but then I realized that all I needed to do was remove the
``<Package>`` element from each ``<Reference>`` element for each of
those packages, so I just did this::

   find -name "*.csproj" -exec sed -i
's/<Package>\(gtk\|glib\)-sharp-2.0<\/Package>//g' {} +

All of the errors like this one::

   error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'GLib' could not be found
(are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Went away after that.

There are a few other projects that I simply could not get to build,
and I am not interested in any of their features, so I just disabled
them; I will revisit them at a later time. They are:

* Banshee.Dap.Ipod
* Banshee.YouTube
* Banshee.UbuntuOneMusicStore
* Banshee.Podcasting
* Banshee.AmazonMp3
* Banshee.AmazonMp3.Store
* Banshee.Dap.AppleDevice
* Banshee.WebBrowser
* Banshee.SoundMenu

To disable these projects (in MonoDevelop):

1. Right-click on the Solution and click Options
2. Under "Build," click "Configurations"
3. Click the "Configuration Mappings" tab
4. Make sure "Windows" is selected in the "Configuration" drop-down
5. Untick the "Build" checkbox next to each project.

At this point, the only errors that remain are reference errors in the
Banshee.GStreamerSharp package; it is looking for the
``gstreamer-sharp`` package, which it cannot find. I can, however,
launch the Banshee GUI by right-clicking on the "Nereid" project and
clicking "Run Item."

Everything seems to work, with the rather obvious exception of
actually playing any audio. This is because there is no audio backend
available, since Banshee.GStreamer is disabled and
Banshee.GStreamerSharp will not build.

I was able to build Banshee.GStreamer without any trouble, but when I
launch Nereid, it raises an exception::

   Unable to find an entry point named
'bp_set_next_track_starting_callback' in DLL 'libbanshee.dll'.

I believe this is because the libbanshee.dll provided in the ``bin``
directory is out of date. I am currently working on building an
updated version; I will post back here with the results.

I am also going to try to build gstreamer-sharp and see if I can get
the Banshee.GStreamerSharp player engine working.


Dustin C. Hatch

"In the beginning the universe was created. This made a lot of people
angry and has been widely regarded as a 'bad move'."
--Douglas Adams
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