Re: [Banshee-List] Scoring question

OK. When I say PlayCount I mean PlayCount, but Score is of course also
affected because its value is calculated from PlayCount & SkipCount.

I try to reproduce the bug.:

1. Play a new imported album (gapless = off, shuffle = off).

2. Press just before half of the song the "Next" button. -> First song skips
and second song plays.

3. Press shortly after half of the song the "Next" button. -> Second song
skips and third song plays.

4. Press shortly after half of the song the "Stop" button and start a new
song. -> Third song stops. Then new song plays.

Now take a look at the meta values:

1. Song:  PlayCount=0, SkipCount=1, Score ~49
2. Song:  PlayCount=1, SkipCount=0, Score ~51
3. Song:  PlayCount=1, SkipCount=1, Score ~51

PlayCount depends upon the time when song is skiped. 
SkipCount depends upon which button is pressed to skip playing. 
Score depends upon the percent that song is played.

I suggest the following rules to calculate Score.

1. Increment PlayCount when playing starts.
2. Trigger a skip-event when the user interrupts playing.
3. Increment SkipCount when a skip-event occurs.
4. Calcutate Score as: Score = SkipCount? 100 * (PlayCount / (PlayCount +
SkipCount)): 0 

Never use percent of played song. Never use rounding or implicit typecast
(int)(double) to determine PlayCount or SkipCount.

Michael Martin-Smucker wrote:
> Freddy, I'm not sure I understand #2, because I think you said "PlayCount"
> when you actually meant "Score" a few times, but if Banshee is changing
> the
> Score or SkipCount of a song when it fails to load, that definitely sounds
> like a bug.  Also, if gapless sets a completed song's score to 99 instead
> of
> 100, that's also a bug.
> Banshee's scoring should actually be pretty simple:
> If you complete a song that has never been played or skipped before, set
> that song's score equal to the percent that you just listened to x100.
> If you complete a song that you have played or skipped before, the song's
> new score is equal to ((the song's old score x the total number of plays
> and
> skips) + (the percent that you just listened to x100)) divided by the
> total
> number of plays and skips +1.
> If you see anything that isn't consistent with this, it would be good if
> you
> could (check if it still happens with gapless turned off, and) report it
> as
> a bug:

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