Re: [Banshee-List] error when building dependencies for Banshee thru Git [mac osx]

Am 18.04.2012, 19:08 Uhr, schrieb Seán Sloane <urbanmad gmail com>:

Are you 100% sure you ran "source darwin.env" in the same terminal before you try to run banshee? If so, what does the output of "which mono" say?
No, I didn't know I had to run it every time. I'll try it again.
But it crashed again
OK, then I think the compilation was ok at last. I bet You hit the same  
crash now as you hit when you tried my prebuilt version. The stacktrace is  
a little short. Can you try running Banshee with "mono --debug Banshee.exe  
--debug --uninstalled" - this should give details on the stacktrace.  
Please send the full output here.
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