Re: [Banshee-List] Banshee 2.6.2 released!

On Tue, 2014-03-04 at 16:53 -0500, Adam Tauno Williams wrote:
On Wed, 2014-02-19 at 11:11 -0500, Adam Tauno Williams wrote:
On Wed, 2014-02-19 at 00:58 +0100, "Andrés G. Aragoneses" wrote:
We are happy to announce the release of Banshee 2.6.2, which is a
stable, bug-fix-only release building on Banshee 2.6.1.
Release notes:
(Binaries for non-Linux platforms will likely be uploaded in the
following days)
Note to packagers:
We have noticed that the 'note to packagers' we published for 2.6.1
version was sadly overlooked by some distros, so we repeat it here again
(please fix it for 2.6.2 at least, if you have the chance):
"We had to add the requirement of a new build dependency on dbus-glib
(or rather its development package, if there is one), as a work-around
to a problem with GConf and DBus (this requirement will likely be
removed again in the first release of the new development series leading
up to Banshee 3.0)."
I wonder if this is the D-Bus issue that is plaguing openSUSE 13.1
users... Hmmm.  I run Banshee with D-Bus disabled and it is stable;
which isn't so bad - Banshee is a pleasure to use.
I'll try it out as soon as packages are available.
Woo Hoo!  Packages available.  Testing...
 BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(dbus-glib-1)
- is included in the SPEC.

Adam Tauno Williams <mailto:awilliam whitemice org> GPG D95ED383
Systems Administrator, Python Developer, LPI / NCLA

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