Re: [Banshee-List] Banshee doesn't even start on mac (10.9.3)

ha ha quite a description you have there David. European time works well for me. I am sure I will be able to catch them soon. 

Actually I am interested in getting the build running locally, do you have some ideal set up instructions that could help me with that? 

Would appreciate it. Thanks!


On Mon, May 18, 2015 at 6:39 PM, David Nielsen [via Banshee Media Player] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Stephan and Andres are in both in central Europe as I recall, and they tend to be around about the same time.

I’m in Brazil (but in a weeks time I am going to visit my family in Denmark.. likely no IRC but I will respond to email)

As for development, Stephan (ssundermann) and Andrés (kcnote) are your best option. I can’t write code to save my life and at any rate they are both much more familiar with the Banshee codebase as well as the GTK#3 aspects. I just do the build system, documentation, bug handling and organize community events like our hackfests. I’m a slight step up from a trained monkey or a small perl script.

Since I am leaving for vacation and I don’t own a laptop, I am hoping I can get the build system all working before then. If not the remaining tasks will fall upon Stephan and interested parties like yourself.

Sent from Mailbox

On Mon, May 18, 2015 at 12:27 PM, alvinkatojr <[hidden email]> wrote:

Hi David, 
Glad to hear the update, your email made me happy and filled me with laughter especially the part about building your own python ha ha. 

I have been hearing some good stuff about GTK3 and though I have n't jumped into desktop development it's a library am really interested in to see how things work and what not. Am glad to hear that you were able to get the build up and running am optimistic all will work out fine so let's hope for the best.

What timezone are you and the development teams on? I would love to be available at exactly the same time you and the rest of the team are working so that I can 'experience' it in real time. Let me know if that's possible. 

Otherwise thank you for your good work and looking forward to your next update and talking with you again.

Kind regards,

On Mon, May 18, 2015 at 3:17 PM, David Nielsen [via Banshee Media Player] <[hidden email]> wrote:
I managed to do s a bit more work over the past few days. So the packages I haven’t looked at yet are: 

Likely easy
Banshee Community Extensions
Itself easy but its libglade dependency chain.. arrgh!

Likely to be quite hard

I’ve banged my head against this for a while now, it needs itstool which needs libxml2’s python bindings. I can’t for my life get the python bindings to install in our bockbuild and be picked up by the system python correctly when I configure itstool. I could build my own python but that fills me with unspeakable dread.

And of course I have not yet wrapped my head around cmake’s oddness so that is likely to not work entirely correctly yet.

That said, I checked in a banshee-git package update last night to fetch the latest banshee from git and I can build everything on my machine that is required except the be dependencies and the webkit stuff. 
If those bits are commented out in the profiles/banshee/ file we should fall over only when hitting Banshee now. 
This is due entirely to me having updated dbus# and gstreamer# to versions that Banshee doesn’t currently build against, so work will be needed to update Banshee. This seemed like the best option at the time.

Of course this doesn’t mean that things will run even if they build. We could e.g. have corruption in the interface due to upstream Cairo changes (this happened the last time we attempted to update Cairo on OS X but let’s assume the best before reality sets in) or things of that nature as this is a rather major upgrade to our platform. Never the less, I am pretty pleased that we are now this close to being able to build Banshee with GTK#3 on OS X.

- David

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On Mon, May 18, 2015 at 8:28 AM, alvinkatojr <[hidden email]> wrote:

Hi David,
Thanks for your timely emails and response. I am glad to see that you are really putting in the work. 

I think I was able to access the #bansee channel a couple of minutes ago. I am eager to see how things are going and if there's anything major or minor I can do to help in. Just let me know. My username is kato771. 

Thank you once again for updating us on how things are going and looking forward to catching you on the channel.

Kind regards,

On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 5:43 PM, David Nielsen [via Banshee Media Player] <[hidden email]> wrote:
To get on the IRC channel you’ll need an IRC client. There are web clients available such as (in this, pick a nickname then type in #banshee in the channel entry. Click the “server and network” dropdown and in the server entry type

As of last night the packages we have gotten the base dependencies for Banshee including Mono and GStreamer to compile. We just need a few Mono dependencies to be able to build Banshee. So today I will look at those. I will also go over the GStreamer dependencies to ensure we have the right plugins and support libraries.

#### Still to do

Figure out if the gconf-dummy package is still needed, though I doubt it with moving to GSettings. I’ll still fix it though to allow building GNOME2 platform stuff. For now it is disabled and it has not hindered compilation the slightest.

Tango-icon-theme, I disabled the png creation features. If they turn out to be needed I’ll have to apply a patch to it and figure out why autoreconf fails. Back burning for now.

## The Banshee Community Extensions dependencies

fftw, libsamplerate, libsdl, libglade

Here fftw is proving to be difficult to get to build, neither Stephan or I have been able to get it to build cleanly yet. libsamplerate should compile cleanly but we need fftw support in the package so it’s held up. 
I have not yet attempted libsdl or libglade, the latter I suspect might be a problem (or it might even have been replaced entirely for GNOME3, not sure).

## The webkit dependencies
gperf, enchant, webkit

No idea how hard this will be, pref and enchant are likely easy. webkit could be tricky though. At any rate I will save these for last as we don’t ship the webkit parts on non-Linux presently. 

## The Mono dependencies
dbus-sharp, dbus-sharp-glib, taglib-sharp, mono-upnp, monomac, gtk-mac-integration

These should be fairly easy.

Leaving only Banshee itself and Banshee Community Extensions.

I am also nervous about the cmake and taglib packages. Cmake is rather new to me and it doesn’t fit in naturally with bockbuild (e.g. cmake tends to bail out if it hits arguments it doesn’t know such as —enable-debug, arguments bockbuild exports as part of its design) As this is only two packages I don’t think it is worth rearchitecting bockbuild to be aware of both systems, but we will need to make sure that they work correctly for 32-bit and 64-bit builds.

And there’s the elusive universal build to contend with, as well as working with upstream to integrate our new packages. And migrate to the new staged builds in bockbuild master, though this feels broken upstream presently.

#### Done 
Meaning it compiles on my machine.

## All the toolchain 
autoconf, automake, tar, xz, libtool, gettext, pkg-config, libarchive, ncurses, cmake, bison. 

## All the base packages
libpng, libjpeg, libxml2, libffi, libtiff, freetype, fontconfig, pixman, glib, libcroco, cairo, pango, atk, intltool, gdk-pixbuf, util-macros, libepoxy, gtk+3, libgpg-error, libgcrypt, gmp, nettle, gnutls, intltool, glib-networking, sqlite, libsoup

## All the theme packages
librsvg, icon-naming-utils, hicolor-icon-theme, tango-icon-theme

## All the codec packages 
libogg, libvorbis, flac, libtheora, speex, wavpack, taglib, lame

Though we can’t ship lame (due to patents)

## All the GStreamer packages
liboil, orc, gstreamer, gst-plugins-base, gst-plugins-good, gst-plugins-bad, gst-plugins-ugly

## Some of the Mono packages
mono, gtk-sharp3, mono-addins-gtk3

## Some of the webkit dependencies
zlib, libicu

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On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 9:59 AM, alvinkatojr <[hidden email]> wrote:

Hi David, 
Thanks for your prompt and timely email. Honestly I am so happy to get this update.  I was regretting the switch to Mac because I love banshee to the full. 

It seems the link to the irc channel is faulty. Could you give me the correct one? 

I have been following the repo to keep up to date with the changes, still can't tell if its possible to compile the required dependencies and get the build environment running. Either way am so excited to hear this and am very grateful that you and your team are working hard to make a great media player. 

Keep up!

Kind regards,

On Fri, May 8, 2015 at 12:04 AM, David Nielsen [via Banshee Media Player] <[hidden email]> wrote:
I am mentoring two GSoC students working on Banshee this summer. One of them, Stephen Sundermann, is working on making Banshee on OS X rock.

Currently we are ensuring that the build environment is functional and up to date. We are focusing on creating a gtk3 based build, aiming at shipping Banshee 3.0. So presently we are in kind of a flux state.

You can follow the progress here.

Essentially to get a build environment up and running you need to checkout that repo, go to the profiles/banshee directory and run ./ -bvr but it will likely fail to compile the required dependencies right now. Also the resulting Banshe build is based off master which is not in a releasable state right now.

I hope that we can get the build environment sorted out in the coming days, progress today has been very promising. We are hanging out on #banshee on if you want to help out or just follow along.

The other piece of good news is that Andres is my second student and he will be ensuring that Banshee 3.0 can finally be released.

I apologize for the lack of communication but I forgot to inform the community in the excitement of getting this work off the ground.

- David

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On Thu, May 7, 2015 at 12:13 PM, alvinkatojr <[hidden email]> wrote:

Hi Timo Dorr,
Could we get some help with this issue of running Banshee on Mac? I moved
from linux to Mac and I can't stand any of the players on OS X.

Give us some instructions be it installing, compiling or running the code.
Am a geek like you and I can handle it. Let's help each other out.


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