Re: [Banshee-List] Banshee on openSUSE Leap 42.1 not working

On 09/05/16 16:46, Klaus Zeitler wrote:

"IBBoard" == IBBoard  <ibboard gmail com> writes:
    IBBoard> Which GStreamer packages do you have installed? My build
    IBBoard> (which has a couple of small customisations) works fine for
    IBBoard> me in Leap, although I have had GStreamer issues on various
    IBBoard> installs at times.
    IBBoard> When I run "zypper pa -i|grep -E "^i.*gstreamer"|sort" I get the
    IBBoard> attached list (assuming it works on the mailing list!)

I've now reinstalled every package in your list and made sure, that
I see now the same version. But the problem persists.
Maybe my guess, that I have a problem with gstreamer, was wrong.
Then I tried to figure out all the libraries, that banshee
is using, but so far I didn't succeed. Seems that the bash script
is calling Banshee.exe, but I can't use ldd on Banshee.exe.

I do have approx. 20 gstreamer packages installed, that you didn't have
in your list. As a next step I'll remove all those, but I doubt, that
this will help.


I just searched for the error you reported, and found

Reading it prompts vague memories that I might have had to do that at
some point. Upgrading between openSUSE versions (including moving from
GStreamer 0.10 to 1.0) and keeping my profile might have caused some
issues that then prevent Banshee from working.

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